
All I Have to Say About Twilight

Seriously? How are you even going to approach me and tell me this is a piece of literature. Twilight has to be the most poorly written, stereotypical filth I has ever seen. Let me tell you why. 

1. Edward is supposed to be 1000 years old. 1000 years old, and he can't control his own impulses to mate with a human female which is obviously detrimental to her health. If at 1000 years old he doesn't have the maturity to realize that he should not follow his "heart", then there is no hope for the rest of us, which brings me to the next point.

2. The Twilight Saga furthers the idea that teenagers are completely incapable of controlling themselves. Bella, maybe you should have thought....this is a vampire...maybe it would be a bad idea to get mixed up in this foolishness. Instead, she blunders on getting mixed up in a world that she was completely unprepared to enter because she didn't stop and think. I'm pretty sure I remember being a teen and being able to control myself, despite what the average American thinks about the teenager age bracket.

3. "Today, I woke up after drunkenly hooking up with a girl who was really into Twilight. I felt bruises on the lower end of my neck and so I went to the mirror and checked it out. She bit me, 5 times. FML"
"Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML"

These are two FMLs that display the complete absurdity of this craze. I'm not sure if anyone understands the concept of fiction but that means it's not real. I understand this is a unwanted piece of truth in these times. However, let me further explain. Twilight. Is. Not. Real. Edward doesn't exist, neither do vampires, nor werewolves, nor is the entire saga being played out in Washington. So you ridiculous 13-21ers get yourselves together and act like people who know what FICTION is.

4. Washington has sunny days. Someone would notice he was glowing.

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